
Becoming a member of a nonprofit charitable organization brings in many values. Few reasons to hold a proud NAFA Member Badge are:

  • Membership fees and donations you make to NAFA are tax deductible as
    NAFA is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of IRS code.
  • Voting rights on NAFA’s election and Annual Meeting to make constitutional amendments.
  • Opportunity to run for any NAFA’s executive position.
  • Self satisfying as NAFA provides support to various charitable
    causes like providing disaster relief to anyone impacted or scholarships
    to underprivileged meritorious students of Nepal and much more.
  • Get to know your very own Nepali community here in Arizona. Collaborate, build harmony and solidarity to help each other out.
  • Learning opportunities as NAFA can be a platform to learn
    technologies, event management, account management and working with
    larger groups.
  • Experience to lead an organization and hone your leadership skills.

Please select the membership type below to become a new member or renew/upgrade your membership. NAFA thanks you for being its valuable member.

Membership Type